Send in the shirt police!!


The holiday continues and, since we are having a lazy day by the pool and just hanging around near the hotel today I thought it was a good opportunity to update my blog

We had a very good day yesterday down at the beach, 9km of golden sands and unspoilt beach, amazingly quiet and beautiful and very hot

The whole place is very quiet actually and, after a mammoth trek along the beach (well, it was for me anyway) we decided to stop and have a drink before we got the courtesy car back up into our hotel in the hills

Here, we were able to spot the Brits abroad.  You can tell them a mile off.  They will be the ones at the bar with their shirts off (men) and their pasty white flab spilling out of their bikinis (women), men with cans of lager and women usually with small children and a buggy.  Oh, and smoking

Now, call me old fashioned but I believe that swimwear should be confined to the beach or pool.  If you go to a bar or a restaurant, it is only polite to cover up all that flesh.  Isn’t it?

Looking around, everyone else makes an effort to cover up, even if it is just a beach robe.  But not the Brits.  We have to let it all hang out.  Everywhere.  Maybe it’s ok in Benidorm but it just looks so, well, chav……

Obviously, I’m not one of these Brits.  I am far too considerate to put someone off their chips by subjecting them to all my wobbly bits.  And it’s just good MANNERS to cover up, I think

There ought to be SHIRT POLICE

Checking in!

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Well, I haven’t been able to keep up my post a day for the last couple of days because I am on holiday

However, the hotel has wi-fi AND free internet, except we can’t work out where the @ is on the keyboard and the wi-fi is a bit erratic so I won’t be posting daily.  Oh, plus I am having a rather nice time without the internet, as it happens!

More on my holiday when I return I think, with photos.

For now, I’ll just say I am using my brand new APPLE MAC AIR netbook to send this.

This is probably my most expensive spontaneous purchase to date, I bought it at the airport.  I was going to get an iPad2 but when I saw this, I just melted and HAD to have it.

Thank goodness for credit cards, that’s all I can say

I had a moment of regret when I realised I could have paid for my next holiday with what this cost me but it was short-lived as this is, without a doubt, the most marvellous gadget I have yet bought

So, I may blog again while I’m here.

There is certainly lot’s to blog about…..

Missing Smelly


The dog has gone on holiday today. He is spending the week with his nana while we go away

He seems to like it, we have no problem leaving him and he never phones us while we are away, pleading to come home

It is very strange here at home without him though

It’s amazing how much a part of your life a dog is

We had nobody to give our crusts to

There was no warm ball of fur for me to rest my feet on while watching the TV tonight

And we had to bark at the ice cream van as it drove past tonight because he wasn’t here to do it

I miss my smelly dog!!!!

Geography is not my strong point


We are off on holiday (vacation to my American readers) on Monday.  I can’t wait!

This time we are going somewhere completely new to us.  So new that we actually thought we were going somewhere else……

Yes.  We decided to go to Portugal this time.  So, we looked it up, picked what sounded like a lovely hotel, nice and quiet, lovely golden sands, blah, blah blah…and booked it

Not really having any idea whereabouts in Portugal we might be staying, we Google Earthed the resort

The ‘resort’ turned out to be a tiny little PORTUGUESE ISLAND just north of MADEIRA which, as we all know is North of the CANARY ISLANDS

Not Portugal at all!!! Nowhere NEAR Portugal in fact!!

Anyway, on further investigation, this little island, Porto Santo, looks delightful – 5km by 9km, unspoilt beaches one side and rugged coastline the other.  And sea.  Lots of sea……

So, off we are going to Porto Santo next week

I am really looking forward to it!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As long as she is wearing glasses


I used to know a woman, a mother of one of my friends.  She was getting on a bit (well, to me she was, at that time – she was probably only about ten years or so older than I am now!) and she applied her eye make up dreadfully

She would use eye liner and a thick, black, uneven line wobbled it’s way across her eyelids.  It looked as if she had applied her make up in the dark

I wondered at the time if she knew, or cared, how she looked but I now understand why she did this


Meaning, she couldn’t see anything up close

How do I know this?

Because I am now very badly afflicted with the same thing

I’ve had to wear glasses for reading for about ten years now and they have got stronger and stronger.  I can’t read without them, I can’t text or use my phone without them, I can’t do anything much that requires me to look closely at something without them

And this includes applying my make up

Each morning I put it on and think it looks fine

When I put my reading glasses on and look in the mirror, it’s actually quite SCARY, like a macabre clown’s make up

I have an uneven squiggle of eye liner and sploshes of mascara on my cheekbones…..

I spend the next few minutes trying to correct my mistakes through a fuzzy blur – not easy

I bought some glasses that were designed for people with this problem.  The lenses ‘flipped’ down individually so you could look through one whilst applying the make up to the other eye


But useless.  They never worked, they just got in the way

I suppose one solution would be to abandon the idea of wearing eye liner.  It would certainly solve the problem of badly applied make up

But that makes me feel as if I am giving in to being old

I’ll be letting my hair grow out to it’s natural colour next

And taking Sanatogen

I can’t be growing old just yet

Maybe I’ll just wear shades all the time

Tablet addiction


We are off on holiday in a few days time, to Porto Santo for the week.  I am very much looking forward to it and I have started to think what I might need to take with me.

Not clothes, or shoes, or bags (obviously I need all of those)


I have my Blackberry

My iTouch

My dictaphone

But I feel I need something more

I need an iPad2, that’s what I need

Well, I don’t NEED it, I just want one, so that I can keep up my PostaDay2011 challenge

I know I could blog from my BB or from the iTouch but both are a bit small and fiddly and anyway, I want an iPad2…..

However, I can’t really justify the £400 odd it will cost me right now

So today I had a little ‘test play’ with the AISC tablet that KD bought recently, for a fraction of the cost

The reviews were very good

But I can’t get the hang of it at all

Admittedly I have zero patience with things like this

So, I will either have to persevere

Or buy an iPad, like NOW

Or have a week off blogging


Stinky Dog Breath Dog


I was kept awake half the night last night by the dog.  Well, his breath to be more precise 

It is AWFUL at the moment

Dog breath, in fact

He’s old and his teeth (what teeth he still has) are bad, apart from a few on the bottom

He has had two lots of dental treatment over the last few years and has lost about half of them and now, the remaining few seem to be on the way out as well

He has a gum infection as well and the smell of his breath is quite, quite unbearable 

It fills the room, the house in fact

So, today he went to the vet

He has been booked in for a dental hygiene and I wonder if he will return with any teeth left

The dentist recommends we brush his teeth daily in the meantime to minimise the risk of decay

Well I told him the plan

He just wasn’t having any of it

Although he has promised to floss regularly from now on

And to eat an apple a day

Virtual footprints


We hear a lot about carbon footprints these days but what about virtual footprints?

I’ve just signed up to another site which requires a username and password 

I was thinking how many websites or email accounts I have subscribed to or created in my years of internet surfing 

I don’t think I could count how many places I have signed up to, there are so many 

I have three Yahoo accounts, two Hotmail addresses, and various other defunct ones that I stopped using for one reason or another 

Not to mention blogging sites, shopping sites, Facebook, Twitter, LOADS of dating sites that I no longer go on and, oh the list is endless……

I know I have joined places, created handles and then forgotten all about them.  But my username, or account, is probably still there, floating about in the ether….

I’m surprised the internet is still working, the amount of handles of mine there are out there

I bet you are the same

I swear that’s why it is slow sometimes.   The internet is almost full up!!!

Imagine if that happens?  Imagine if the internet became full?

We’d have to go back to using pen and paper, snail mail, using the phone – TALKING!!!

I don’t think I could cope!



We visited Italy earlier this year and stayed in a little place called Scala, up in the hills near Amalfi.  It is a beautiful place and we will return

I had just started sketching again at the time and here is one I did of Ravello, which we could see from our hotel

We are off again next week, this time to Porto Santo so I expect I’ll do a bit more drawing while I am there

To be honest, I don’t know how I manage to find time to go to work these days!!!

Pictures of Essex


I just happened upon a lovely blog while browsing ‘freshly pressed’

Japanese Photolog

There are some beautiful photos there

I love taking pictures of nature

Trouble is, we don’t have  the stunning views that Japan has, here in Essex

But we do actually have some very pretty scenery

So I will be taking some photos with my brand new camera very soon! 

* By the way, I didn’t take this pic!!