Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. As long as she is wearing glasses


I used to know a woman, a mother of one of my friends.  She was getting on a bit (well, to me she was, at that time – she was probably only about ten years or so older than I am now!) and she applied her eye make up dreadfully

She would use eye liner and a thick, black, uneven line wobbled it’s way across her eyelids.  It looked as if she had applied her make up in the dark

I wondered at the time if she knew, or cared, how she looked but I now understand why she did this


Meaning, she couldn’t see anything up close

How do I know this?

Because I am now very badly afflicted with the same thing

I’ve had to wear glasses for reading for about ten years now and they have got stronger and stronger.  I can’t read without them, I can’t text or use my phone without them, I can’t do anything much that requires me to look closely at something without them

And this includes applying my make up

Each morning I put it on and think it looks fine

When I put my reading glasses on and look in the mirror, it’s actually quite SCARY, like a macabre clown’s make up

I have an uneven squiggle of eye liner and sploshes of mascara on my cheekbones…..

I spend the next few minutes trying to correct my mistakes through a fuzzy blur – not easy

I bought some glasses that were designed for people with this problem.  The lenses ‘flipped’ down individually so you could look through one whilst applying the make up to the other eye


But useless.  They never worked, they just got in the way

I suppose one solution would be to abandon the idea of wearing eye liner.  It would certainly solve the problem of badly applied make up

But that makes me feel as if I am giving in to being old

I’ll be letting my hair grow out to it’s natural colour next

And taking Sanatogen

I can’t be growing old just yet

Maybe I’ll just wear shades all the time

The contents of my handbag…..


I was rummaging around for something (again) in my handbag yesterday when it occurred to me that it probably isn’t like your average girlie handbag…..

Yes, it is impossible to find anything in there, so in that respect it is similar

And yes, there is the obligatory lipstick (three in fact) and a blusher in one of the side pockets – and of course my purse – but, apart from that, it is unusual for a ladybag

In fact, it is more like the inside of Curry’s (electrical store for those who may not know)

1. Digital camera (pink) – ready for those spontaneous photo shoots

2. iTouch – in case I have to hang around somewhere and need to play Angry Birds

3. Dictaphone – for all my random thoughts

4. Work mobile – for work, obviously

5. Personal mobile – err, for personal use

Then we have the collection of ART equipment, in case I see a view that NEEDS to be sketched immediately – sketch book, pens, a range of pencils and an eraser

I also have the ‘BAG WITHIN A BAG’ in there.   An ingenious little device, designed so that the contents of your bag are always neatly organised in whatever bag you are using – the idea being you simply transfer everything from one big bag to another as it is neatly packed into the ‘bag within a bag’

Since I can never be arsed to rummage through my bag cupboard (too painful, it’s where the gorgeous, sparkly high heels I can never wear live – I can’t look at them, it makes me sad) and the contents of the ‘bag within a bag’ have spilled out into the BIG HANDBAG, it is really not doing its job too well

The pink Filofax also takes up a fair bit of room but is obviously essential and then there are the THREE pairs of glasses I have to carry with me – one pair for driving, one for reading and a snazzy pair of prescription sunglasses in case the sun should ever come out while I am driving along, which it has only done twice so far this year since I got them, by the way!!!

Add an assortment of leaflets, tissues, receipts, some Gaviscon, a drug-testing kit, my ID badge and some boiled sweets and there you have it

My handbag……