Love is………

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Today is the 1st February, which I have decided is LOVE month on my blog, in keeping with my pledge to have a theme per month throughout the year.

I have no idea what I will blog about yet.  I’m sure I’ll think of something though, since the word love can mean so many different things to different people.

So, while I’m thinking about what to write about, here are some words I found that might inspire me……

Project365 – a challenge!


I don’t know why really but I have just not been blogging for a while now.  It started well and I thought I had found my new blog home.  But, for whatever reason, I stopped…..writers block, maybe? 

Anyway, I logged in to WordPress the other day to see the new challenge for 2012- Project365 – the idea being to pick a topic or idea and blog about it for a year.  There are some brilliant ideas that others have chosen but a whole year is a long time for one topic! 

So, my New Year Resolution for 2012 is to try and find something to write about and DAMN WELL WRITE ABOUT IT!!!

Best hurry up though…it’s the 1st tomorrow….and I still don’t have any ideas!

Although I am working on it!

Learning Curves


I’ve just upgraded my blog and changed to a new PREMIUM theme, which looked as if it had a bit more flexibility than the previous one, although I was rather fond of that

Trouble is, I’m absolutely useless at all this stuff and I’m really lost now!  

I have a blog roll and I can’t remember how to add people.  The font is boring. The pages are boring.  It all looks very untidy.

I’ve just accidentally subscribed to my own blog and I’ve lost my nice photo of the web that I had previously and it’s not on this laptop so I have to fiddle around to get it back.  Even then, there’s no guarantee it will pop up where I want it to!  Sigh…..

So, if the sight of my blog offends your eyes, bear with me, it offends me too!

My technical staff are working on the problem to resolve the issue as soon as possible and normal service WILL be resumed shortly

I hope!

I’m also still learning how to use a Mac which, although I love, is very different from a PC in a lot of ways and I’m always getting stuck (although I have just discovered how to save an image onto the Mac!)

All this is , without a doubt, the most difficult thing I have ever done

And I’m doing it all for FUN????!!!


Tablet addiction


We are off on holiday in a few days time, to Porto Santo for the week.  I am very much looking forward to it and I have started to think what I might need to take with me.

Not clothes, or shoes, or bags (obviously I need all of those)


I have my Blackberry

My iTouch

My dictaphone

But I feel I need something more

I need an iPad2, that’s what I need

Well, I don’t NEED it, I just want one, so that I can keep up my PostaDay2011 challenge

I know I could blog from my BB or from the iTouch but both are a bit small and fiddly and anyway, I want an iPad2…..

However, I can’t really justify the £400 odd it will cost me right now

So today I had a little ‘test play’ with the AISC tablet that KD bought recently, for a fraction of the cost

The reviews were very good

But I can’t get the hang of it at all

Admittedly I have zero patience with things like this

So, I will either have to persevere

Or buy an iPad, like NOW

Or have a week off blogging


Do NOT touch my buttons!


NEVER let your friends tinker with your gadgets

Today, I was explaining the world of blogging to a friend of mine. It fell on deaf ears I have to say. She doesn’t read blogs, she doesn’t even FACEBOOK!

She is one of those ‘I’m not very interested in the internet’ type of people


Anyway, I showed her the inspiration for my posts. Well, the gadget that captures my inspirational thoughts, to be more accurate.

My little Sony dictaphone

It’s a neat little thing, nice and small, easy to operate and great for storing just about everything I would otherwise forget. I use it a lot, not just to blog, but to remind myself of things I need to do. I find I have of most of my ideas whilst driving – I do a lot of driving – and my dictaphone is always there, on the passenger seat, ready to capture my flash of inspiration or to record that I need to phone someone or something

Anyway, I showed her my little gadget and she was most impressed. I left her to fiddle with it for a moment – a MOMENT, that’s all. I was distracted. She handed it back and said it was an amazing little gadget and that was that…….

I’ve just gone to switch it on and retrieve my gems of wisdom

And they’ve all gone

She’s only gone and bloody well wiped the lot off!!!!!

Now, if I were a suspicious-minded person, I’d say she’s nicked my ideas and plans to take over the blog world

As it is, I think she accidentally pressed a button

And erased the lot

They were such BRILLIANT thoughts as well – and now the world will never know

Ho hum

Now I have to start ALL over again


I was just fiddling with my gadget and found all my ramblings. I forgot I had ‘folders’ on this bloody ridiculously COMPLICATED little thing!!

How embarrassing