Before the flame…..


Here we go again! 100WCGU


Flame (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am getting in quick this week as I’m off to hospital tomorrow and will probably be quite demented for a few days following the anaesthetic!  Anyway, the prompt was “The flame flickered before……”

I love this game!

The flame flickered before it went out. This was bad news. No more matches and it was pitch black. What to do? Without the flame I couldn’t find anything. Without a match I couldn’t light the flame. Hours until dawn. Still, dark and silent. In that noisy way silence has when it is dark. I didn’t even have a torch.

Not that it would have made much difference if I did have a torch. No electricity. No electricity means no internet.

EEK!! Can you imagine life without the internet? I can’t.

Goodness me!

No 100 word challenge for one thing!!!

Learning Curves


I’ve just upgraded my blog and changed to a new PREMIUM theme, which looked as if it had a bit more flexibility than the previous one, although I was rather fond of that

Trouble is, I’m absolutely useless at all this stuff and I’m really lost now!  

I have a blog roll and I can’t remember how to add people.  The font is boring. The pages are boring.  It all looks very untidy.

I’ve just accidentally subscribed to my own blog and I’ve lost my nice photo of the web that I had previously and it’s not on this laptop so I have to fiddle around to get it back.  Even then, there’s no guarantee it will pop up where I want it to!  Sigh…..

So, if the sight of my blog offends your eyes, bear with me, it offends me too!

My technical staff are working on the problem to resolve the issue as soon as possible and normal service WILL be resumed shortly

I hope!

I’m also still learning how to use a Mac which, although I love, is very different from a PC in a lot of ways and I’m always getting stuck (although I have just discovered how to save an image onto the Mac!)

All this is , without a doubt, the most difficult thing I have ever done

And I’m doing it all for FUN????!!!


Tablet addiction


We are off on holiday in a few days time, to Porto Santo for the week.  I am very much looking forward to it and I have started to think what I might need to take with me.

Not clothes, or shoes, or bags (obviously I need all of those)


I have my Blackberry

My iTouch

My dictaphone

But I feel I need something more

I need an iPad2, that’s what I need

Well, I don’t NEED it, I just want one, so that I can keep up my PostaDay2011 challenge

I know I could blog from my BB or from the iTouch but both are a bit small and fiddly and anyway, I want an iPad2…..

However, I can’t really justify the £400 odd it will cost me right now

So today I had a little ‘test play’ with the AISC tablet that KD bought recently, for a fraction of the cost

The reviews were very good

But I can’t get the hang of it at all

Admittedly I have zero patience with things like this

So, I will either have to persevere

Or buy an iPad, like NOW

Or have a week off blogging


Virtual footprints


We hear a lot about carbon footprints these days but what about virtual footprints?

I’ve just signed up to another site which requires a username and password 

I was thinking how many websites or email accounts I have subscribed to or created in my years of internet surfing 

I don’t think I could count how many places I have signed up to, there are so many 

I have three Yahoo accounts, two Hotmail addresses, and various other defunct ones that I stopped using for one reason or another 

Not to mention blogging sites, shopping sites, Facebook, Twitter, LOADS of dating sites that I no longer go on and, oh the list is endless……

I know I have joined places, created handles and then forgotten all about them.  But my username, or account, is probably still there, floating about in the ether….

I’m surprised the internet is still working, the amount of handles of mine there are out there

I bet you are the same

I swear that’s why it is slow sometimes.   The internet is almost full up!!!

Imagine if that happens?  Imagine if the internet became full?

We’d have to go back to using pen and paper, snail mail, using the phone – TALKING!!!

I don’t think I could cope!

Paper vs Screen

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Call me old-fashioned but I can’t sit and read stuff on my screen.  Well, not academic stuff anyway.  I like to have that article in my hand, in paper form, to flick through and scribble on.  I am sitting here surrounded by paper at the moment, my phone is somewhere under it all and possibly the dog as well, it’s that much of a muddle, but it suits me.  I can sit here with my lap top in front of me, rummage around and read a paper, type something relevant and not have to keep switching screens or anything.

It costs a fortune in printer ink and paper and, yes, I know it isn’t environmentally friendly but I promise to take it all to the recycling place when I’ve finished.  It is just so much nicer.

I’m not a technophobe, far from it.  I certainly wouldn’t want to go back to the old days of having to HAND WRITE a dissertation!  Shudder!!!  It’s so simple now, a quick type, a spell check, a cut and paste and the track changes option (although I have to admit I find that a bit untidy).  And you can’t beat having the whole world at your finger tips to do your research.

So, the pros of modern technology are how fast it is to write up something HUGE and how easy it is to do research.

The cons are that my new router seems to be having an off day so I cannot connect to the internet for much of the time at the moment.

The pros of the old-fashioned paper method are you don’t have to rely on your router working and it’s nice to have lots of lovely paper all round you (or is that just me with the paper fetish?)

The cons of the old-fashioned method are that you have to tidy it all away when it’s dinner time

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