Are you LISTening? Then I’ll begin…..

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Having just said I wanted to write about more serious stuff on my blog, I just needed to update you on a few things first.  I’ve written a list:

1. Burlesque dancing

It’s going well. I am still rubbish at it, I will never master the art of shimmying whilst dipping and I am more Rita von Cheese than Dita von Teese but that doesn’t matter.  It’s fun, the girls are lovely and I get to wear frilly stuff.  There is a possibility I will even perform later this year with the group!!!!

2. Italian classes

Yup, finished the classes and have been to Italy since.  I wasn’t sure how much I would use the stuff we learned in class.  I didn’t feel the need to ask anyone where the museum was or what time the next train to Milan left.  However, I found that the basics I did learn gave me the confidence to try and speak the language and to ask the locals how to say the things I didn’t know.  I’m pretty much fluent now…… And Italy was beautiful, as always

3. Gym and my personal trainer

Oh forget that.  I never intend to set foot in a gym again as long as I live

4. Transport

I got a new car.  Well, not brand new but new to me.  Her name is Bunty and she is a Mini.  I’ve never had the inclination to name a car before but I do actually love this one.  And she goes!!!

I am sure I have more to tell you – but I won’t do it now.  I’ll save it for next time

And anyway, I am just in the middle of writing a list on things I need to do

Rouge Nipples


I have a few different methods for remembering topics I want to blog about.  One is to jot it down in the back of my diary.  Another is to use my dictaphone to say a couple of key words and the other is the ‘notes’ feature on my iTouch.

I haven’t actually used this iTouch feature for some while now but I thought I’d just check and see if there are any ideas outstanding that I might want to turn into a post here.

I have five things listed, as follows:

Rouge Nipples



Fabulous business idea


Now, I can remember what the music prompt is to do with and I will blog about that one day.

As for the others, I am totally clueless.


Whatever could I have been thinking about???

I’m even scaring myself there…..

365 Project. A year of projects!


It’s always nice to have a new project I think.  Unfortunately, I have many ‘new’ projects -started and never finished.  Needlework, knitting (I still have a cardigan I started for my six month old daughter.  She is 29 now), painting and drawing, machine embroidery, web designing, photography, blogging (well, that’s kind of consistent in a fluctuating way), gym and keep fit….the list just goes on.

So, this year, I am going to write the list out and work my way through it and do every one of these projects by the end of 2012.

To add to the list, and a brand new project for me, I shall be starting Italian classes next week with KD.

I’m really looking forward to this as it is a very different sort of project compared to my usual ventures.  It is only a 12 week course, just to get us through our next holiday in Italy in June.  As long as they teach me how to say “Just leave the bottle on the table thank you”  and “mine’s a double”  I will consider it money well spent…..

Not the N of the World


I just can’t get organised since I returned from the holiday.  I haven’t blogged here, I’m way behind with reading the blogs I follow and I have all sorts of other tasks and online activities to catch up on

It’s always the same when I have been away.  I am not the world’s most organised person and structure does not come easily to me – I have to work VERY hard at it.  That’s why I find lists so useful – but I haven’t even managed to write a LIST this week, I’ve just sort of lurched from one thing to another and it’s all very disorganised.  Sadly, the Virgo in me loves order and structure so, as you can imagine, I’m totally confused now!

When I say the Virgo in me, I must stress I am not a great follower of the stars (apart from Russell Brand who I adore but that’s a different story and another type of star) but there really does seem to be something in the characteristics associated with different birth signs.  Virgoans are supposed to be very organised.  In my HEAD I am.  In reality, it never seems to work like that because I am cursed with a butterfly brain.  Well, I say cursed. If I wasn’t a Virgo I probably wouldn’t worry.  But you see my inner conflict?  Half of me wants to be all over the place but the other half is having kittens over it…..sigh

On another note, the N has disappeared on our keyboard.  Well, it’s still there, but the actual N has rubbed off the key.  This happens with every keyboard we get.  We don’t know why.  I don’t think our N gets over used.  Maybe it does.  I don’t know.  Anyway, it’s gone again.  Good job we know where the N should be on the keyboard.  Well, of course we do.  It’s the only key without a letter on it.

I’m off to write a ew list ow……



(Oh..and here’s a photo of a chair)

‘To Do’ List


Now that the awful studying is out of the way, I can get on with my life.

As I have said previously, I do like a good list to help me focus

So, here is my ‘get on with my life’ list (in no particular order)

1. Get drunk (in celebration)

2. Socialize madly

3. Write a fantastically successful screen play (with my partner, who will be known as KD from now on)

4. Learn CSS and all that web design stuff

5. Blog profusely

6. Go on holiday

7. Party a bit more

8. Celebrate my birthday


10. Join a BOOT CAMP to get super fit (probably)

Obviously, some of this items are dependent upon others…and quite a few of them involve my beloved significant other, KD, who deserves a special mention for being so supportive, supplying me with food, keeping the house ship-shape and filling up my wine glass on request (all things he does anyway!).

Time to resume my life!!!!!!!!



I’m a great one for lists

I find that writing a list helps me focus, especially when I have loads of different things to do

Writing a list sets out the tasks in hand and makes them more manageable I find

I don’t actually DO everything on the lists

But I feel as if I’ve achieved SOMETHING because I’ve written the list

Tomorrow’s list is as follows:

1. Wake up (I don’t have a lot of control over this one but I’m glad to say it tends to happen every day)

2. Have wee (see no.1)

3. Switch computer on, check Facebook while kettle boils (multi-tasking)

4. Have cup of tea

5. Take online Scrabble goes (VERY important)

6. More tea

7. Shower and brekkies and dress (probably)

8. Arrange lap top and papers all ready for studying (and feel all virtuous and organised)

9. Check Scrabble goes and post up something irrelevant on Facebook wall (in case my friends think I’m dead)

10. More tea

11. Glance over at lap top and think about starting studying (I’m excellent at planning)

12. Water Fairyland garden on Facebook (well, everything was wilting!)

13. Lunch (prepared by my resident chef)

14. Study (yes, really!)

15. Cup of tea break

16. More tea

17. Check on Scrabble situation and post something else up on Facebook about how hard I am studying (people need to feel my pain)

18. Since it’s Saturday, have afternoon glass of wine and tidy up papers on table ready for dinner (job well done, I’d say)

19. Dinner (prepared by the chef again)

20. Relax after hard day studying with a nice glass of wine and a film (phew, I deserve it after all that)

Yes, lists are ESSENTIAL to make sure things get done……..