Old Kefalonia


We went to visit a place called Assos yesterday.  Most of Kefalonia was destroyed by the 1953 earthquake but there are ruins dotted about.  This was the stairs to a building that fascinated me and, consequently I took a lot of photos.  There was something eery and sad about it but also something incredibly beautiful.

I Love my Motivation!


Well, we are almost at the end of January.  My initial resolve was to take part in the 365 Project and post on the same theme for a whole year.  I chose motivation but quickly realised that I’d bore myself, let alone my readers, if I posted up about that for a WHOLE YEAR!!  So, I decided to adapt the idea and post on the same topic for a month.  I also allowed myself not to post every day.  I pretty much abandoned the 365 Project in fact!

Anyway, I have, more or less, posted motivationally themed stuff throughout January, I think, and I intend to end with a summary of how my own motivation has helped me to keep up my fitness training and started all the other things I said I would do.

Or rather, that WAS the intent

Unfortunately, I’ve just returned from a slap up meal of Tapas with copious amounts of wine and I really feel a bit of a fraud talking about how determined I am to eat healthily and keep fit.

Although I did go to a personal training session at the gym this morning. AND I have been walking regularly. AND…and this is the bestest AND….I have joined a burlesque dancing class.  So far, I’ve only been to the taster session but I’ve signed up for the full six weeks.  It’s so much fun!   The challenge for me is how to look alluring whilst trying to follow the steps.  Not quite there yet but I’m hopeful!  Anyway, I highly recommend it as a fun way to exercise.

And, joking apart, I am really enjoying my exercise, whatever form it takes.

The Italian classes are great fun too, not too hard but I’m learning new stuff.  It’s fun doing the class with KD who has a fantastic accent and we practise our new words during the week so I fully expect to be fluent by the end of the course (well, I hope to be able to order wine and food at least. Or just the wine even….).

As for the other projects I had intended to pick up on, well, the photography is slow. The weather has been poor and I have yet to find the subject that inspires me….but I will. I am a frustrated photographer.

I have not done any more drawing and I have totally forgotten about the needlecraft apart from a brief spell (one evening) where I got out the knitting needles for half hour.

Still, it’s only January.  Eleven more months to achieve my goals!

I have decided to make my theme for February ‘Love’.


Not sure what I’ll post yet but isn’t that the beauty of it all?

Ciao Belle.



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Yesterday was Christmas Day again in our house.  We had two friends over for a day of festivities, with presents, roast duck and all the trimmings, followed by Christmas Pudding.  We wore party hats and pulled crackers and we kept the decorations up specially.  It was lovely.

Today is a day to take down the trees and cards and look forward to 2012.

The hand painted pink bauble in this photo comes out every year.  It is a bauble that used to be on our tree when I was a child so I don’t know how old it is.   I only know it is fragile, small, delicate and precious to me…..

365 Project. A year of projects!


It’s always nice to have a new project I think.  Unfortunately, I have many ‘new’ projects -started and never finished.  Needlework, knitting (I still have a cardigan I started for my six month old daughter.  She is 29 now), painting and drawing, machine embroidery, web designing, photography, blogging (well, that’s kind of consistent in a fluctuating way), gym and keep fit….the list just goes on.

So, this year, I am going to write the list out and work my way through it and do every one of these projects by the end of 2012.

To add to the list, and a brand new project for me, I shall be starting Italian classes next week with KD.

I’m really looking forward to this as it is a very different sort of project compared to my usual ventures.  It is only a 12 week course, just to get us through our next holiday in Italy in June.  As long as they teach me how to say “Just leave the bottle on the table thank you”  and “mine’s a double”  I will consider it money well spent…..

Zero out of Ten



The challenge isn’t going too well so far is it?

Day two and I nearly didn’t manage to post.  I have a nice little blog post half typed out on my Macbook but it needs tidying up.  It looks like an essay or some lecture notes at the moment….

Anyway, I suppose this counts as it shows I am struggling with my motivation today.  First day back at work tomorrow since Friday 23rd December 2011.  It’s going to be tough. I have enjoyed my break and being able to do very little as and when I want.   My motivation to do anything much apart from drink Cointreau is ZERO right now…..

However, I DO know that I work better under pressure so I am fully expecting to have a SURGE of inspiration as soon as I get back to work and I don’t have the time to write


I wonder how many times this year I will be saying “Watch this space”?

Anyway, here’s a photo I took of a squirrel on Boxing Day in the cemetery where my dad and nan have memorials.  He looks like he is thinking very hard about his New Year Resolutions, don’t you agree?   I wonder what they are.  Probably won’t be to give up smoking.  Which is what my next post will be about (if I can be arsed)

Project 365 – The Conception


Well, after spending most of the night awake, pondering on a topic to write about for a whole year (yes, I really did spend half the night thinking about this!) I have decided that the topic I am going to write about for a whole year is


I have chosen this theme for several reasons

1. I find the whole topic of motivation fascinating.  My job means I teach motivational techniques to help my clients think about change and it never ceases to amaze me how powerful these motivational tools can be or how much can be achieved when the motivation is there

2. Despite the above, I sometimes find it very hard to motivate myself.  This blog is an example of where I have flagged and lost some of my drive to write.  The 365 project inspired me to try and stick at something for a whole year so, what better topic to write about than motivation?  I’m hoping it will inspire me to keep up with my blog!

3. I am trying very hard to become fitter and healthier this year.  I am hoping a daily reminder to stay motivated will encourage me to keep at it!

4. I can incorporate sketches and photos if I am inspired, something I really want to do more of this year as part of my resolution to start being more creative again

And finally

5. I can get away with writing a post saying very little if I can’t be arsed and say I just didn’t have the motivation that day!  The perfect get out!!

If you are intrigued by what I might write about over the coming months, well so am I!  

I have no idea where this will take me but I hope it will be a bit of a voyage of discovery for me and possibly for my readers!!

Not the N of the World


I just can’t get organised since I returned from the holiday.  I haven’t blogged here, I’m way behind with reading the blogs I follow and I have all sorts of other tasks and online activities to catch up on

It’s always the same when I have been away.  I am not the world’s most organised person and structure does not come easily to me – I have to work VERY hard at it.  That’s why I find lists so useful – but I haven’t even managed to write a LIST this week, I’ve just sort of lurched from one thing to another and it’s all very disorganised.  Sadly, the Virgo in me loves order and structure so, as you can imagine, I’m totally confused now!

When I say the Virgo in me, I must stress I am not a great follower of the stars (apart from Russell Brand who I adore but that’s a different story and another type of star) but there really does seem to be something in the characteristics associated with different birth signs.  Virgoans are supposed to be very organised.  In my HEAD I am.  In reality, it never seems to work like that because I am cursed with a butterfly brain.  Well, I say cursed. If I wasn’t a Virgo I probably wouldn’t worry.  But you see my inner conflict?  Half of me wants to be all over the place but the other half is having kittens over it…..sigh

On another note, the N has disappeared on our keyboard.  Well, it’s still there, but the actual N has rubbed off the key.  This happens with every keyboard we get.  We don’t know why.  I don’t think our N gets over used.  Maybe it does.  I don’t know.  Anyway, it’s gone again.  Good job we know where the N should be on the keyboard.  Well, of course we do.  It’s the only key without a letter on it.

I’m off to write a ew list ow……



(Oh..and here’s a photo of a chair)