Home time

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Well, the holiday is nearly over.  We have a final day here but we won’t stray too far from the hotel as we are being collected at 5pm.  So we thought we would have a nice, lazy lunch and a stroll down to the reservoir later for a last minute rare bird photo opportunity and, in the meantime, a catch up on here

We’ve just been listening to the other guests checking out, exchanging contact details and complaining about errors in the bill, which turned out not to be errors.  We are not this sort of traveller.  It’s fine to exchange pleasantries with fellow guests but ‘holiday bonding’ is just not my thing, especially with a bunch of miserable old people who have nothing better to do than complain

We have had a fantastic week here, the staff have been lovely and the hotel is beautiful.  They have provided us with complimentary drinks and extra lifts and I think it’s interesting to note that the other guests have NOT had this privilege!  More about our adventures another time!

I’m afraid my Post a Day has been very lacking but when I get home I will be writing about my holiday and posting up some photos.  It’s been a wonderful week and I don’t want to leave this lovely little island but real life has to kick in again and, apparently, we will arrive just as the mini heatwave has ended.  Ah well, we also had beautiful weather.  And I didn’t have to go to work, so I’m not complaining!

On another note, I received a text message from the personal trainer at the gym I belong to (and which I haven’t been to since March!) asking if I still want my remaining pre-paid sessions with her!  She must have known I’ve just spent a week over-indulging!  I think I’ll take her up on the offer anyway.  Boot camp was far too hard!!

Geography is not my strong point


We are off on holiday (vacation to my American readers) on Monday.  I can’t wait!

This time we are going somewhere completely new to us.  So new that we actually thought we were going somewhere else……

Yes.  We decided to go to Portugal this time.  So, we looked it up, picked what sounded like a lovely hotel, nice and quiet, lovely golden sands, blah, blah blah…and booked it

Not really having any idea whereabouts in Portugal we might be staying, we Google Earthed the resort

The ‘resort’ turned out to be a tiny little PORTUGUESE ISLAND just north of MADEIRA which, as we all know is North of the CANARY ISLANDS

Not Portugal at all!!! Nowhere NEAR Portugal in fact!!

Anyway, on further investigation, this little island, Porto Santo, looks delightful – 5km by 9km, unspoilt beaches one side and rugged coastline the other.  And sea.  Lots of sea……

So, off we are going to Porto Santo next week

I am really looking forward to it!

Tablet addiction


We are off on holiday in a few days time, to Porto Santo for the week.  I am very much looking forward to it and I have started to think what I might need to take with me.

Not clothes, or shoes, or bags (obviously I need all of those)


I have my Blackberry

My iTouch

My dictaphone

But I feel I need something more

I need an iPad2, that’s what I need

Well, I don’t NEED it, I just want one, so that I can keep up my PostaDay2011 challenge

I know I could blog from my BB or from the iTouch but both are a bit small and fiddly and anyway, I want an iPad2…..

However, I can’t really justify the £400 odd it will cost me right now

So today I had a little ‘test play’ with the AISC tablet that KD bought recently, for a fraction of the cost

The reviews were very good

But I can’t get the hang of it at all

Admittedly I have zero patience with things like this

So, I will either have to persevere

Or buy an iPad, like NOW

Or have a week off blogging




We visited Italy earlier this year and stayed in a little place called Scala, up in the hills near Amalfi.  It is a beautiful place and we will return

I had just started sketching again at the time and here is one I did of Ravello, which we could see from our hotel

We are off again next week, this time to Porto Santo so I expect I’ll do a bit more drawing while I am there

To be honest, I don’t know how I manage to find time to go to work these days!!!